Regular Dental Checkups at J. Steve Morton DDS, PC

Prioritize Your Oral Health with Regular Dental Checkups

Regular dental checkups are crucial for safeguarding your oral health and avoiding significant dental issues. By visiting your dentist regularly, you can catch and address issues like cavities and gum disease often before they become severe.

What to Expect During a Dental Checkup

When planning your regular dental checkups in Pigeon Forge, Gatlinburg, and surrounding areas, visit J. Steve Morton DDS, PC. Our comprehensive oral assessment includes the following:

Health history assessment

Our dentist will review your medical history to assess your overall health and oral health changes.

Detailed oral examination

Our dentist will inspect your mouth tissues for signs of any oral disease and check your teeth for issues like cavities and teeth grinding.

Comprehensive gum health check

Our dentist will examine your gums for signs of gum disease.

Dental X-rays

If needed, digital X-rays of your teeth will be taken to help identify any hidden problems in the teeth and jaw bones.

Plaque and tartar removal

Our dental hygienist will perform a basic cleaning of your teeth if needed to remove plaque, tartar, and surface stains.

In-depth consultation

Our dentist will advise you on dental hygiene maintenance, diet and some habits that are adverse for oral health.

How Often Should You Visit Your Dentist?

It is recommended that you schedule regular dental checkups every six months to maintain optimal oral health and prevent future dental problems.

However, this may vary depending upon your dental and medical health. Our expert dentists will guide you best on your dental checkup frequency based on your condition and needs.

Ignoring regular checkups may increase the risk of more serious issues that may require advanced dental treatments and potentially increase the treatment cost.

Choosing the Right Dentist for You

At J. Steve Morton DDS, PC, the team of experienced dentists in Sevierville, Pigeon Forge, and Gatlinburg are committed to providing exceptional dental care and making your dental visits as comfortable and stress-free as possible.

Schedule a consultation for regular dental checkup with us online or call 865-453-1001. Our expertise in providing quality dental services in and around Tennessee including Seymour, Newport, Dandridge, White Pines, Strawberry Plains, and Knoxville, is trusted by many for achieving a healthier smile.